Watching how people do things is a great way to learn their goals, values and preferences and come up with a design insight. This is known as need finding. I chose ‘glance’ as my design brief.
- Primary target audience of the Inqlude web site is Qt application developers, who are using or are looking into using 3rd party Qt libraries in their applications. Inqlude helps Qt application developers to find Qt libraries that match their requirements.
- A secondary target is Qt library developers who want to publish their libraries. Inqlude can also be considered as a central place for them and the web site should provide an entry point for library developers which helps them to publish their libraries.
Need finding
This is about discovering what people need by observing them performing some kind of an activity with Inqlude. We have observed how people try out Inqlude to get their work done.
We observed few people trying out the current Inqlude website, noted down the breakdowns and interesting moments to identify the user needs properly.
User 1
As soon as she navigated into the website, she started reading the description of the main page. She highlighted few phrases of the main description.
Then she navigated to the details page of 'attica' Qt library and went through its different attributes, basically the library description. She looked into the comments section and then tried out the 'Read more' links. She spent few seconds going through the tutorial link. She had a quick look through the source code repository too.
Then she returned back to the home page and scrolled down through the list of libraries. She stopped at several libraries to read their summaries.
In the meantime, she referred the page on 'How to get libraries' as well. She clicked on ‘How to contribute’ link, but she did not show any interest to go through that entire page.
User 2
Then I observed User 2, finding a plotting library through Inqlude to visualize some graphs and charts.
Similar to User 1, he also started reading the main description of the home page first.
Then he scrolled down through the list of libraries under ‘Stable’ category. He had a quick look across different lists under different categories.
While going through the list, he found a library called ‘qwtplot3d’. He opened its details page in a new tab. Then he opened its home page and spent few minutes going through the content of the home page, basically the features of this library. He also referred the API documentation link, but was not very happy with that.
So he typed the phrase ‘plot graph’ in search box and then found the link to details page of ‘qcustomplot’. He read the content of that page curiously. Link for the source code repository popped up a 404 error message. But the home page of the library was a very attractive and clean website. He could easily find all details about that library there. He had quick view through different pages of this website and started trying out some screenshots in the Introduction page as well. He looked into their respective codes, tutorials and found very happy with it.
Mini Usability Test
We have also carried out a Mini Usability Test to collect more observations from several Qt users. Results are at Mini Usability Test Results.
Furthermore, we expanded the process of need finding by contacting and interviewing few Qt interest users at Listed below are some of their general comments.User 1
User 2
- Very nice and simple layout
- Good readability of the text
- The categorization should be more plastic, like to see a tag system
- Good to have a categorization by C++ only/QML Only/ C++&QML and a breakdown by category (Network, Reports, etc.)
- Could add some missing information (Qt versions compatible with the library, explicit set of platforms on which the library is supposed to work, meta-packages groups, dependencies etc.)
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