Inqlude command line tool is a basic component of Inqlude project. Inqlude comes as a Ruby gem. It can be easily installed and it provides a command line interface to handle Qt libraries in a similar way as Ruby gems. There are commands to install libraries, list available libraries and installed libraries, and more. They are as follows.
1. Create new or updated manifest
inqlude create <manifest_name> [version] [release_date]
2. Create manifests from git checkout of KDE frameworks module
inqlude create_kde_frameworks <frameworks-git-checkout> <output_dir>
3. Download source code archive
inqlude download
4. Information about how to get involved
inqlude get_involved
5. Describe available commands or one specific command
inqlude help [COMMAND]
6. Install library
inqlude install
7. List libraries
inqlude list
8. Create release manifests for KDE frameworks release
inqlude release_kde_frameworks <release_date> <version>
9. Review pull requests on GitHub. Use 'username:branch' as repo parameter
inqlude review <repo>
10. Show library details
inqlude show <library_name>
11. Scan system for installed Qt libraries and create manifests
inqlude system_scan
12. Uninstall library
inqlude uninstall
13. Verify all manifests or specific file if filename is given
inqlude verify [filename]
14. Create view
inqlude view -o, --output-dir=OUTPUT_DIR
Libraries are described by manifest files, which are maintained in a separate git repository. Inqlude integrates with this git repository and uses it as the list of available gems. This repository can be found at
There are 3 basic ways to get Qt libraries.
1. Using the web site at There you can find the information about available libraries, and then you can get the libraries using the provided links. This is the recommended way for now.
2. Using the command line client from package. This client makes it easy to get the libraries you need with just a few commands, without having to know URLs, or how libraries are packaged. There are 2 ways to get the command line client. They are as follows.
- Download its sources from Link is here.
- Otherwise, clone the repository. Use command line command as follows.
3. Using the command line client written in Rubynanduni@nanduni-TECRA-M11:~/myproject$ gem install inqlude
This can also download libraries. But this is mostly aimed at maintaining the inqlude data. This is available as a Ruby gem.
See if you have rubygems installed in your machine. If so, you can simply use the following command to install inqlude. Otherwise see to get Rubygems.
nanduni@nanduni-TECRA-M11:~/myproject$ gem install inqlude
Now that you have command line client set, you can use inqlude commands to get libraries. To get the set of available libraries, use the following command. nanduni@nanduni-TECRA-M11:~/myproject$ inqlude list -r
You can easily install a library with following command.
nanduni@nanduni-TECRA-M11:~/myproject$ inqlude install <library_name>
You are able to view the set of installed libraries using this command.
nanduni@nanduni-TECRA-M11:~/myproject$ inqlude list
This is how I experimented the functionality of Inqlude command line client.
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